In Between Yesterday and Tomorrow Was Us – A Performance Evening in Three Acts


The HTMlles Festival 2014

APO 33 (Nantes), Julie Matson (Montreal) and Les Soeurs Prélubrifiées / The Pre-Lubed Sisters (Montreal)




Eastern Bloc (7240, Clark . Metro: De Castelnau)
Regular price : 10 $
Thursday November 13, 7 PM

Bringing sound and vision together in three acts, this performance evening features international and local artists who experiment with some form of narrative in order to create multisensory experiences that blur the line between the individual and the collective, between the solitary and the communal. Take part in this journey across sense-scales.

ACT I: FUTURES, PAST – Julie Matson (Montreal)
ACT II: G.I.A.S.O. (Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra) – APO33 / Jenny Picket (Nantes) and Julien Ottavi (Nantes) with Shelly Knotts (Birmingham), Eva Ursprung (Graz), Kadet Kuhne (San Francisco), elpueblodelchina (Santiago de Chile), Keiko Uenishi (Vienna), Antye Greie-Ripatti (Hailuoto)
ACT III: The Devil Inside Us: A Witch Opera Evoked by The Pre-Lubed Sisters (Montreal)


Julie Matson (Montreal)

This soundscape explores the erratic chronicles of the artist’s many childhood addresses; each move offering hope for a different future–a stable, secure future–inevitably running up against the challenges of a single-parent income in the capitalist culture of the 1980s. Sonifying the hand-drafted data of each location and address, this work layers emotional intonations with concrete sounds, providing an aural landscape of Matson’s FUTURES, PAST.

G.I.A.S.O. (Great International Audio Streaming Orchestra) 
APO 33 (Nantes)

G.I.A.S.O. is a networked–distributed A/V performance. The performance crosses time-zones and uses the Internet as the place of interaction between the musicians–a collaborative method for creating and writing new musical aesthetics. Negotiating time, space, noise, and delay, accelerated composition against a decelerated listening, #zerofuture is returned by the G.I.A.S.O.

The Devil Inside Us: A Witch Opera
Les Soeurs Prélubrifiées / The Pre-Lubed Sisters (Montreal)

We desire to offer futurities hacked by digital witches, sonic cackles, and decompositional nightmares. Our choice to disrupt neoliberalism comes by way of the Witch Opera, embracing storytelling and sonic dissonance to haunt the future, halting its path of destruction. We are conducting a series of hauntings in the city, manifestations of the uncanny, the grotesque, the ugly. These hauntings exist as chapters of the witch opera. We want revenge on the devil within us.


Programming partners :
Eastern Bloc