Newsletter 92 – October 2015

  • PROGRAMMATION 2015/2016 Studio XX
  • Interactives projects to see at festival du nouveau cinema


Our Spring call-for-proposals for the 2015-2016 programming season netted some excellent projects, and we are now pleased to announce the selected artists!  (*The detailed program will be posted on our website in a few weeks.)

The HTMlles festival programmers have recommended artist Alice Jarry to particpate in the Belgian Voice of Women festival taking place in Liege, Brussels and Gand from October 13-22, 2015. Alice will present her project Spectral. For more details, click here.

We are also thrilled to be presenting three artists who were programmed in the 2014 edition of The HTMlles 11, to the CYNETART festival in Dresden, Germany from November 12-15, 2015. Coral Short and Angela Gabereau will present Future visions and Linda Franke with her work Can’t Stop.

Erandy Vergara Vargas, Studio XX’s new programming coordinator, will be part of the Quebec delegation in New York City at the Québec Digital Art event to be held October 22 to 24. Check out the dozen artists representing digital arts in Quebec, as well as the schedule of events and exhibitions, scattered around Brooklyn and Manhattan art spaces and galleries, available for download on the CQAM website.

Introducing Electronic Arts activities for the whole family!
Inspired by the “Coding goûters” workshops of last year, our Electronic Arts for families project supports children and their parents learning together , guided by an artist, to program and design their own electronic artworks. The activity is free although you MUST register at We ask that you contribute with shared snacks for the afternoon, nothing too sticky!  All of the projects will be presented at Studio XX in March 2016.

Finally, here are a few Studio XX-recommended selections from the interactive projects at the upcoming Festival du Nouveau Cinema!

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