PASCALE GUSTIN (Paris) in duo with VJ PINK RUBBER LADY (Montreal)
Between Paris and Mtl, live stream and audiovisual performance
Thursday, December 15, 2011, 7PM, Doors at 6PM
4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201
Admission: $5, *FREE* for members
Hors d’œuvres and refreshments will be served
“How to respond to an audio/video performance without actually being in the space of its presentation ? I answered this question by proposing through a loose game, my works on a video synthesis, to a distant partner.”
An audio flux is sent from Paris via the internet (Pure Data, giss.tv) and received in the Studio XX space. The visual patches (Pure Data/Gem) played during the performance are left to the interpretation and sensibility of the performance artist in Montreal. There will be no visual response of the performance from Montreal to Paris. The two performance artists don’t know each others. This experimental action will attempt to respond to the 857 clusters project, following the result of a virtual residency by Pascale Gustin at Studio XX.
In a version specially conceived for this particular circonstance, this version of the 857 clusters project, in addition to the work on the coding through the synthesis of video, will give a reading of the text “Vecteurs” and will question the place of the “i” human subject in a quantified environment.