[HTMlles 2024] Against Technoableism, online presentation

Dr. Ashley Stew
Online presentation
18:00 – 19:30
Just Feminist Tech and Scholarship Lab
Join bioethicist and professor Ashley Shew in a presentation on her book Against Technoableism, followed by a Q&A. Most disabled people don’t want what the abled assume they want—nor are they generally asked. Why do abled people frame disability as an individual problem that calls for technological solutions, rather than a social one? Against Technoableism is a manifesto exploding what we think we know about disability, and arguing that disabled people are the real experts when it comes to technology and disability. In a warm, feisty, opinionated voice and vibrant prose, Shew shows us how we can create better narratives and more accessible futures by drawing from the insights of the cross-disability community. For the future is surely disabled—whether through changing climate, new diseases, or even through space travel.
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