PARA site – Video Installation
Thursday, January 24, 7PM
4001, Berri (corner Duluth) space 201
Admission: $5, *FREE* for members. Refreshments will be served
EXHIBITION: January 24 to February 14, 2013
Free admission
Studio XX is proud to present PARA site, a video installation by the artist Zohar Kfir which will be exhibited at the Studio from January 24th to February 14th 2013. The opening is during Wired Women Salon #94 featuring an artist talk by Zohar Kfir. Also on the schedule, Josephine Wiggs, a founding member of The Breeders, will join us through Skype from Ohio and talk about her contribution and collaboration to the project. Looking forward to seeing you!
PARA site asks viewers to consider how storytelling can take place phenomenologically, in the absence of cinematic narrative. Entering the installation, the viewer is confronted with a series of fragmentary cinematic loops, which individually evoke displacement, loss, and of longing. Collectively, these fragments hint at an unrealized tale that exists in the interstices between one loop and the next. As the viewer moves through the installation and the image-events emerge and fade from view, the temporal separation between these cinematic moments gradually emerges as positive space in its own right, becoming the site in which the viewers own imagination transforms the fragments into a highly personalized meaning.
PARA site is a 3 channel video installation with the running time of each channel at approximately 8:00 minutes in length. This work is one of several pieces created as collaboration with composer Josephine Wiggs. Wiggs’ evocative ambient tracks shape the viewer’s emotional engagement with the videos while locating them spatially in the installation environment.
Produced with the support of OBORO
Labsessions Program
New Media Lab, 2012
Zohar Kfir is a Montréal-based video artist working with experimental video, interactive art and installation. Her artistic practice stems from her own contemplative engagement with the lived environment, with a particular focus on the dynamic between growth and decay and on the paradox of creating digital representations of natural phenomena.
Zohar has shown her work internationally in galleries and at video festivals. zzee.net
Josephine Wiggs was a founding member of The Breeders, formed Ladies Who Lunch with Kate Schellenbach, made two albums with Jon Mattock of Spacemen3/Spiritualized, collaborated with Vivian Trimble under the name Dusty Trails, recording and producing an album, film soundtracks and music for contemporary dance. josephinewiggs.com