

Lancé en 2008, Matricules un projet d’archives en ligne, un registre imagé et documentaire du Studio XX regroupant 3738 documents et médias.

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May 14, 2010

Titre forgé : atelierFACE_eng

Extracts of electronic workshop coordinated by Valérie d. Walker and developed by artist Darsha Hewitt for a group of 6th grade students at the F.A.C.E. school with teacher Ms. Reavall, part of the XX Files Radio Project.

Darsha introduces the children to different electronics’ concepts and components such as the breadboard, conductivity and capacitors. The children build a circuit which allows them to output sounds by connecting two conductor elements (like two people for example!). They have fun with the circuit and together produce sounds and music.

Support: audio_cassette
Medium: audio
Physical Description: QuickTime (.mov)

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