Lunch with the Ada X team: Learn more about our residency program!

Drop-In Q&A Session
with the Ada X team
Tuesday, February 8th 2022
Online | No registration is needed
Log on to this link between 12:30 and 1:30pm!
(Meeting code: 895 8001 8403)
Are you a Montreal artist thinking of applying to our residency program? Do you want to make sure your project is a good fit with our center, or do you have general questions about our call for proposals?
Join us on your lunch break for this drop-in session with the Ada X team! No registration required, just drop in between 12:30 and 1:30pm. This is a great time to meet Ada X team, and ask any logistical, technical or thematic questions regarding our residency program.
Deadline to apply: Monday, February, 21st, 2022, at 5pm EST