In the context of the educational program “Les Courants,” five families from Rivière-des-Prairies in digital art workshops given by Isabelle Gagné in June 2022 at the Maison Coeur-à-Rivière.
Making use of images from family archives, participants experimented with a bot called “Portrait-Robot”, which creates re-compositions by integrating image slices pulled from web searches for similar images. These searches were pursued through the creation of sculptures inspired by geological “core samples,” comprising found artifacts, as well as participants’ everyday objects. These photographic and sculptural objects became the means for exploring new experiential dimensions, such as poetry made viewable via augmented reality.
In creating their projects, the participating families were inspired by the artists’ works presented in the exhibition Diagenèse, at the Maison Pierre Chartrand from November 6th, 2021 to the 16th of January, 2022. Their works are to be presented the 29th of July, 2022, at the Rivière-des-Prairies library.
This program is carried out in collaboration with the Maison de la Culture and the Rivière-des-Prairies library and the Centre communautaire Le Phare, and receives financial support from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and the City of Montréal as part of the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal.