Contes évanescents / Fading Fables / Zar-Afshun


At Maison Pierre-Chartrand, 8000 boulevard Gouin Est, Montréal (Québec) H1E 1B5
Opening hours

This audiovisual installation, illustrated and animated by Naghmeh Sharifi and narrated by the artist’s grandmother, invites the public to enter the fantastic world of a folk tale that unfolds in multiple universes.

With this work conceived in residence at Ada X in autumn 2022, the artist highlights the role women have played in preserving oral storytelling traditions and exercises her own agency by creating the representation she, and other young girls, lacked in post-revolutionary Iran.

A series of workshops with the Maison de la famille Cœur à Rivière will introduce children and their parents to digital animation while they discover the work and the exhibition. Participants’ creations will in turn be exhibited in a virtual space on the Allo Ada platform.

This project is presented as part of the Allo Ada series by Ada X, produced in collaboration with the Maison de la Culture de Rivière-des-Prairies, and receives financial support from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications and the Ville de Montréal as part of the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal.