Rock, paper, smartphone: create new worlds with art and tech

Saturday, September 25th, 2021
*time slots available every 45 minutes: 1 pm / 1:45 pm / 2:30 pm / 3:15 pm
Saturday, October 9th, 2021
*time slots available every 45 minutes: 10am / 10:45am / 11:30am / 12pm
At Ada X
A guided exhibition visit and educational activity suitable for children accompanied by an adult. To register, email by Friday, October 8th at 5pm.
What is the connection between a rock and a phone? Between water and wifi? What kind of world do we live in? Join us for an interactive visit to the exhibition Related Matters at Ada X and explore these questions through old and new technologies. This is an exhibition about slow things. Time – history – geology – rivers – rocks – ecosystems. It is also about things like iPhones, 5G, VR cities. It is about things that have already happened, but also things that haven’t happened yet: what we call the future.
Together we’ll watch a volcanic eruption; walk through a quiet city in virtual reality, far in the future; breathe in a space full of living plants; listen to a river rushing around us; discover the minerals inside common technological objects; and more! We’ll imagine that the places, textures, and sounds of the exhibition are a kind of landscape. Inside of that world, we’ll try to dream up new parts. Inspired by the world-building of the artists’ projects, you will draw or describe something imaginary to add to the exhibition – something you wish could exist. This could be a place, an object, an animal, a machine, or something totally unfamiliar. We’ll provide papers, drawing and writing materials, and for those who prefer we will record sound clips. Come and create!
Image: Caitlin Berrigan, Imaginary Explosions, Episode 1, 2018. Video still.