
The centre presents participatory workshops, exhibitions, discussions, performances and screenings as part of its programming.

Types of projects include:, electronic art, audio pieces, radio art, video art, installation, interactive work, location-based media, 3D animation, the art of gaming, virtual reality, digital storytelling, short film, bio-art, public interventions, open sources innovations, practices rooted in the community, performance and interdisciplinary practices, short-workshops, artist talks and round tables.

To submit a proposal, consult the call for projects submission guidelines.


Matricules Launch

Consulter « Matricules Launch »

13 May 2008


  • other
  • performance
  • presentation
Three years in the making, Studio XX presents Matricules: one of the world’s largest online archives of women’s digital art. Created with invaluable support from Heritage Canada’s Canadian Culture Online Program and hosted by Studio XX, Mobile Media Lab and the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University, Matricules will…

Expand or Contract the Universe | Constanza Camelo

Consulter « Expand or Contract the Universe | Constanza Camelo »

4 March 2008


  • artist residency
  • performance
In 2005, Constanza Camelo took the standard training course for the visually handicapped offered by the Mira Foundation. This instruction enabled her to discover the primary reflex mechanisms for getting around with a guide dog. She conceived the project Expand or Contract the Universe as a result of this experience.

Salon Femmes br@nchées #67

Consulter « Salon Femmes br@nchées #67 »

20 March 2008


  • discussion
  • performance
tara rodgers :: butterfly effects, multichannel sound performance magali babin :: onion router, audio interactive performance with projection (resident artist at Studio XX) beginning with a conversation with the artists Thursday March 20th 2008, 8:00 PM Entrance Fee: 5$ Galerie B-312, 372 Ste-Catherine Ouest, espace…

International Women’s Day: March 8, 2008

Consulter « International Women’s Day: March 8, 2008 »

8 March 2008


  • community
  • journal
  • other
International Women’s Day: March 8 2008 A large feminist event focusing around the theme Strong, Proud, Influential and Versatile. 47 organizations will be gathered. Come and meet the Studio XX Team! Saturday, March 8 from Noon to 5 pm at Agora. Pavillon Judith-Jasmin at UQÀM…

Art’s Birthday 2008

Consulter « Art’s Birthday 2008 »

17 January 2008


  • other
This year, Art’s Birthday is organic! And, our Art is digital and opaque, created in the image of the choices we have made in our networked lives. On January 17th, 2008 …that’s tomorrow!… Studio XX welcomes artist Pascale Malaterre and her guests to its website – Olfa Driss, Alexandra Cloutier,…

Soirée Femmes br@nchées 66 :: Top Chrono

Consulter « Soirée Femmes br@nchées 66 :: Top Chrono »

13 December 2007


  • journal
  • performance
  • presentation
Femmes br@nchées 66 Salon [Dec. 13] :: Top Chrono Thursday December 13th 2007, 5h30 to 7h30 PM @ Studio XX :: 4001 Berri St., Suite 201 Entrance fee : 5$, free for XX members. Top Chrono. 10 women artists will participate in our Top Chrono 2007. The rules…

HTMlles 8 – 2007 :: crowd control

Consulter « HTMlles 8 – 2007 :: crowd control »

17 October 2007


  • festival
HTMlles 2007, eighth edition of Festival. Theme: crowd control Despite the influx of technological tools and ubiquitous communication networks, mobility and the state of being mobile still do not exist without negotiating systems of inclusion or exclusion. It remains necessary for an individual to navigate personal and external control…

Journées de la Culture 2007

Consulter « Journées de la Culture 2007 »

29 September 2007


  • performance
  • presentation
On Saturday September 29th, Studio XX will open its doors from 1-6pm. Media Art + Sound and visual interactive Installation + Electronic music + Sound experimentation :: 1:00pm :: Julie Leblanc was introduced to programing and interactivity during last season’s workshop at XX on MAX/MSP/Jitter and microcontrollers. She will…

Méta Femmes Br@nchées 07 [31 May + 1 June]

Consulter « Méta Femmes Br@nchées 07 [31 May + 1 June] »

31 May 2007


  • discussion
  • presentation
  • workshop
Presentation : Thursday, 31 May 2007 5-7pm Cost : 5$, free for members. At Studio XX : 4001 rue Berri, suite 201 Helen Varley Jamieson (UK N-Z) has a background in theater as a playwright, director and producer. Since 2000 she has explored the potential of the internet…

Together Harambee Ensemble

Consulter « Together Harambee Ensemble »

3 May 2007


  • performance
Come discover the incredible talents of true Montreal artists coming together for a very special cause. Performances by: BLISSA BAD NEWS BROWN 2 MARVELOUS JACK-O-LUTION KATHY KENNEDY GENEVIÈVE LETARTE DAPHNÉ CORIOLA DJ KANI ALIYA THOMAS SOFIA RACHELLE D’ÂME SOUL…

Femmes br@nchées #65: Spring MOBILITY

Consulter « Femmes br@nchées #65: Spring MOBILITY »

12 April 2007


  • performance
April 12th, 2007 Free! Before we move into our new location we have invited a group of artists to take over the empty space for a night. Andrea-Jane Cornell, the current artist-in-residence at StudioXX, will present her work “Tracing the Sharawadji”, a sound installation which reconstructs environmental audio recordings of…

Web 2.0 demistified: TechTalk at Studio XX

Consulter « Web 2.0 demistified: TechTalk at Studio XX »

31 March 2007


  • discussion
In a video posted on YouTube, called Web 2.0: the machine is Us/ing us, Michael Wesh, an assistant professor of anthropology at Kansas City state University declares that Web 2.0 leads us to rethink copyright, authorship, identity, ethics, aesthetics, rhetoric, governance, privacy, commerce, love, family, and ultimately ourselves. At Studio…